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Nursing School Supplies Essentials

I am a nursing student and in this post I will show you the supplies that has helped me stay organized with all my school work. I will split the supplies into two categories. The first being "Color Coordination" and the second "Other."

Items Mentioned // 
// Color Coordination  
Paper Mate Flair® Colored Pens
9 Pack Colored Sharpie
Sharpie® Highlighters 
Post-it® Page Markers
Post-it® 1/2" Flags
Avery® Assorted Neon Removable Color Coding Labels

Paper Mate Flair® Colored Pens

These are great colorful pens to take notes with or to organize heading with. I like to designate a specific color to a specific class. 

9 Pack Colored Sharpie

Colored Sharpie to go along with the colored pens. This is useful to marking in textbooks, folders or anything else that needs a permanent marker. 

Sharpie® Highlighters

Bright highlighters are a must because textbooks are quite boring. Highlighters are also great for making your notes appealing to re-read. 

Post-it® Page Markers
Post-it® 1/2" Flags

Page flags and bookmarks are essential in remembering what chapters you have to read and study. The Post-it® Page Markers are great because they have room to write small notes on. 

Avery® Assorted Neon Removable Color Coding Labels

Lastly in the color coordination section are these Avery Color Coding Labels. I think these are actually made for organizing a move but I use them to keep track of due dates of my assignments. They are also easily removable and will not damage your papers. 


Items Mentioned // 
// Others
Pilot®  G2 Retractable Gel Ink Rolling Ball
BIC® Wite-Out® Brand EZ Correct™
Target Sticky Notes 
Mead® Cambridge Limited® Legal Ruled Business Notebook
USB drives

Pilot®  G2 Retractable Gel Ink Rolling Ball

These are my favorite writing pens. I honestly never use pencils at all anymore. These pens write very smoothly and have a nice look on paper look to them. They do smear if you don't give the ink a few seconds to dry. 

BIC® Wite-Out® Brand EZ Correct™

Because I always write in pen I always need to have white out or this EZ correct. These are my favorite pen mistake correctors. 

Target Sticky Notes 

The Target dollar section is a place that everyone visiting Target should spend a few minutes at. There are always cute stationary and other items for just a few dollars there. The sticky notes pictured above all cost around 1 dollar. These are great for putting notes in your textbook, planer, folder, or anywhere you need a reminder. 

Mead® Cambridge Limited® Legal Ruled Business Notebook

A very good quality notebook is a must for me. The Cambridge notebooks are my favorite. They are a little more expensive than others but the paper quality is excellent. You're going to keep your notes for a while so the investment is worth it. 

USB drives

A lot of my assignments for school is online so having a USB dive always on hand is necessary. You never know when you will need to transfer a file. You can also use Google Dox which automatically saves for you and can be access from any computer. 


Last item to this list is a planner. I use the planer pictured above. Ever since the planner craze blew up on YouTube I jumped onto the bandwagon. Nursing school is crazy and a lot of things are happening so getting a planner is something you should really consider. There are many videos on YouTube reviewing different planners. So if you don't know which planner to get, going on YouTube is a place to start. 

*Disclaimer: NONE of the products mentioned in this post were sent to me. All products were purchased by me with my own money. All opinions are my own. 

That is all for this post. If there are any other posts that you would like me to create shoot me a message. :)



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